Blogging in Russia

Blogging is catching on as part of politics everywhere. From the Conference "Internet-2005", Novosibirsk, Russia, September 20-21, 2005 Blog founder Anton Nosik: Blogs will push the traditional media away in providing news to the mass consumer, and the recent events in New Orleans are a good example of this. Bloggers exist in any country and on any social level. Getting information from bloggers equals to being in the ground zero yourself. Anton Nosik, a dentist (!) is a pioneer of Russia blogging, starting in 1996. He established a news agency in 2003, was the CEO of Russia’s online search engine company in 2001—2004, and served as the chief editor of Russian online news agency Lenta.Ru in 1999—2004. Originally posted February 21, 2006 at PolicyByBlog ...
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In my book (BLOGWARS, forthcoming, OXFORD, 2007) I try to make the point that it is time to move on from the confrontational blogger-vs-MSM bipolarity of the earlier days of blogging. The so-callled MSM needs bloggers and is, in fact, "blogging up." Bloggers are becoming a normal part of the spectrum of media. But we still have brushfire battles, and perhaps they are the "birth pains" of a new media alignment. I wrote the article below for E&P--predictably I got some hate mail from journalists saying I was too pro-blogger, and from some bloggers saying I was a lackey of the MSM...or Hezbollah! Oh, well, if you support a marketplace of ideas you should not expect it to be tidy and nice. That said, as links below show, most bloggers who cited the piece understood I was trying to be fair to all parties... PHOTOJOURNALISM IN CRISIS By David D. Perlmutter,, August 17, 2006 (August 17, 2006) -- The Israeli-Hezbollah war has...
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Remnants from Rumsfeld: The War of Ideas

a.k.a. “Bush and Rumsfeld and Iraq and Troops and “Terror! or Insurgen!” and “Mess” In what was dubbed a “referendum on Iraq,” voters in the midterm elections were characterized in mainstream media as casting votes not necessarily for a particular candidate, but against the war in Iraq. And while in some cases such a blanket statement is inaccurate, the very fact that it is was mentioned with such recurring frequency suggests it played a materially significant role. The GOP was battered with barbs from both the right and the left in the weeks leading up to the election. The generic charge was that they were “out of touch” with reality. One of the chief targets of criticism was the recently-retired Donald Rumsfeld. In what may be viewed as an appropriate parting gift, The BBC reported the Department of Defense established a new program at the Pentagon to “boost its ability to counter ‘inaccurate’ news stories and exploit new media.” The program is designed...
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Blogs as Stealth Dissent?

Wei Zha & David D. Perlmutter. "Blogs as Stealth Dissent?: 'Eighteen Touch Dog Newspaper' and the Tactics, Ambiguity and Limits of Internet Resistance in  China." In Guy J. Golan, Thomas J. Johnson, & Wayne Wanta (eds.), International Media Communication in a Global Age, pp. 277-295. New York: Routledge. Originally posted October 4, 2009 at PolicyByBlog...
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