Academic Job Hunts From Hell: Keep on Script

David D. Perlmutter. “Academic Job Hunts From Hell: Keeping on Script.” Chronicle of Higher Education, February 7, 2016. Academic Job Hunts From Hell: Keep on Script The job interview is not a spontaneous exchange, it’s a minefield Estúdio Reversa / Creative Commons By David D. Perlmutter FEBRUARY 07, 2016   Afriend described the exact moment his interview went sour. Two members of the search committee started to bicker, then argue outright. The skirmish ended in shouts, a thrown pen, a slammed door, and a long, awkward silence broken only when the chair asked with a grimace, "So, do you have any questions for us?" Our profession has many peculiarities, some of which — like intellectual autonomy — are positive. But during job searches some of the problematic features of academic culture can emerge, and typically the candidate is the victim. In this series on the less-than-pleasant aspects of job hunting, so far we have surveyed fake searches, bad fits, inappropriate questions, andscheduling challenges. Now we turn to the...
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Academic Job Hunts From Hell: Timing Is Everything

Academic Job Hunts From Hell: Timing Is Everything David D. Perlmutter. “Academic Job Hunts From Hell: Timing is Everything.” Chronicle of Higher Education, January 10, 2016. How to juggle interviews and campus visits and stay focused and sane iStock By David D. Perlmutter JANUARY 10, 2016 January brought one faculty job candidate the happy news that she had five campus interviews. Then came the not-so-happy details: Two of the departments insisted she visit on the same day. A third let her choose a date, only to ask her to switch to one that conflicted with another interview. And the fourth department could only bring her in on one date — the day of her parents’ 30th wedding anniversary party. In this series on the worse-case scenario aspects of job hunting, we have surveyed how to spot a "fake search," how to detect a bad fit, and how todeal with inappropriate or hostile interview questions.   Next up are the challenges you may face with the "when" and "how...
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